
Comparison operators

Operator Example
= author=patriksvensson matches all items where the author is exactly patriksvensson.
: author:patrik matches all items where the author contains patrik such as patriksvensson.
!= author!=patriksvensson matches all items where the author is not patriksvensson.
< id<100 matches all items where the GitHub ID is less than 100.
<= id<=100 matches all items where the GitHub ID is less than or equal to 100.
> id>100 matches all items where the GitHub ID is greater than 100.
<= id>=100 matches all items where the GitHub ID is greater than or equal to 100.

Logical operators


If you need to combine two or more statements via a conjunction you can use the AND logical operator.

author=patriksvensson and id>100

Will return all items which have patriksvensson as an author and an ID that it less than 100


If you need to combine two or more statements via a disjunction you can use the OR logical operator.

author=patriksvensson or author=gep13

Will return all items which either have patriksvensson or gep13 as an author.


Sometimes you want to exclude a specific result from a query. You can do this by using the NOT keyword.

not author:patrik

Will return all items where the author's username does not contain patrik.