Release Notes

Ghostly 1.16.0 2021-08-24

New feature Ghostly is now completely free to use!

Ghostly 1.15.0 2020-12-19

New feature Add initial support for discussions

Ghostly 1.14.0 2020-12-02

New feature Add support for muting categories

Ghostly 1.13.0 2020-10-28

New feature Add option to show total number of unread items for a category
New feature Add CTRL+Q shortcut to mark items as read
Thanks to Loïc Sharma who suggested this!

Ghostly 1.12.0 2020-09-29

New feature Added support for sharing items
Thanks to Alistair Chapman who suggested this!
Fixed All items are marked as 'draft' in details view
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who reported this!

Ghostly 1.11.0 2020-07-24

New feature Added support for draft PRs
New feature Show percentage for progress
Thanks to Sam Harwell who suggested this!
Fixed Fix bug that sometimes prevented profile export
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who reported this!

Ghostly 1.10.0 2020-07-05

New feature Added ARM64 support.
Ghostly now runs even better on your Windows 10 tablet!

Thanks to Jeremy Sinclair who suggested this!
New feature Sync rules, categories and filters via GitHub Gists
Thanks to Claire Novotny who suggested this!
New feature Added 🦆-emoji, because we need more ducks in our lives!
Fixed Non-profit details is now visible during synchronization
Thanks to Sam Harwell who reported this!

Ghostly 1.9.0 2020-06-26

New feature Add menu option to mark all items in filter as unread
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who suggested this!
Fixed Queries should allow dots in string constants
Thanks to Mike James who reported this!
Fixed Scrollbar is sometimes shown over hover icons
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who reported this!

Ghostly 1.8.0 2020-05-25

Fixed Fixed bug where notification quick-buttons sometimes would disappear

Ghostly 1.7.0 2020-05-14

New feature Added button to refresh individual notifications.
New feature Added swipe button for moving notifications
New feature Added swipe button for opening notification in browser
Improved Improved touch support

Ghostly 1.6.0 2020-05-08

New feature Added link to review account permissions.
Fixed Notifications marked as read in GitHub was sometimes not marked as read in Ghostly.

Ghostly 1.5.0 2020-05-06

New feature Added ARM32 support. Ghostly now runs better on your Windows 10 tablet!
Fixed Fixed a query parsing bug that made it impossible to search for a single word without quoting it

Ghostly 1.4.0 2019-11-14

Fixed Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Ghostly 1.3.3 2019-10-13

New feature Added auto completion for Ghostly's query language. This should make it easier to create filters, rules, and write queries.
Fixed Fixed issue where synchronization would take longer than it had to.
Fixed Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Ghostly 1.2.1 2019-09-25

New feature Categories can now have custom icons. 🎉
New feature The master/detail view can now be resized.
Fixed Fixed a lot of synchronization issues.
Fixed Changes from background synchronization should now update the UI if Ghostly is running.
Fixed Archiving all items in a category should make them as read as well.
Fixed Archive all should only marked unread items as read.
Fixed Remove delay when showing or hiding category badges.
Fixed Some commands were executed on the UI thread which would make Ghostly unresponsive.
Fixed Fixed issue where navigation list sometimes had an incorrect palette in dark mode.

Ghostly 1.1.2 2019-09-12

New feature Added button to run a single rule.
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who suggested this!
New feature Translated Ghostly to Swedish (sv-SE).
New feature Translated Ghostly to English (en-GB).

Ghostly 1.0.6 2019-08-29

New feature Added button to open notification in browser.
Thanks to Claire Novotny who suggested this!
New feature Added context menu to open notification in browser.
Thanks to Claire Novotny who suggested this!
Improved Show number of unread items for each category when navigation pane is collapsed.

Ghostly 1.0.5 2019-08-26

New feature Added "Mark all as read" context menu for categories.
Thanks to Dave Glick who suggested this!
New feature Added "Archive all" context menu for Inbox.
Thanks to Dave Glick who suggested this!
Improved Shows progress dialog for long running operations such as moving, archiving and marking notifications as read.
Fixed Emojis in labels should now appear correctly.
Thanks to Maurice Kevenaar who reported this!

Ghostly 1.0.4 2019-08-23

Improved Better handling of rate limits.
Fixed Issues not synchronizing sometimes.
Thanks to Dave Glick who reported this!
Fixed Show rate limit time in local timezone.
Fixed Do not attempt to synchronize notifications from private repositories if user don't have permission to see private repositories.

Ghostly 1.0.0 2019-08-23

New feature First release of Ghostly! 🎉